Quarterfinal Round: 1) The host shall be the team that did not host the Sectional round.
If a team was scheduled to host a Sectional game, but did not due to a lack of adequate facilities or
lack of lighting, it will still be counted as if it had hosted. 2) If both teams or neither team hosted the
Sectional round, the host team will be the team on the BOTTOM bracket in EVEN--numbed years.
Semifinal Round: The host team in Class 1-4 shall be determined by the following:
1) First, totaling the number of playoff games each school has hosted. If one team has hosted mo games than the other, the host shall be
the team that has hosted the least;
2) If both teams have hosted the same number of games, the host shall be determined by the team which did NOT host the quarterfinal round.
3) If both teams have hosted the same number of games and in the event both teams hosted or did not host in the quarterfinal round, the host shall
be determined by the team on the EVEN numbed lines on the bracket in the EVEN numbed year and the even line in the even year.